Here's some inspiration for your Song for Sandy

Yesterday, we launched our Songs for Sandy program.

Some of you may be saying, I don't know what to write.

Here are two ideas.

Did you know that runners who came to NYC to run the marathon which was cancelled - ran anyway? And what did they do as they ran?

I swear, this song would write itself!

Second idea: the football team in Point Pleasant, NJ scored a real touchdown with their latest team effort.

Remember, we will promote and sell these Sandy Songs, and match – dollar for dollar – all sales generated.


-  Any style is fine, as long as it has a vocal.

- Send it to us in as finished, recorded form as possible. You can even send a video, which we’ll post on the Hope Sings youtube channel.  It doesn’t have to be fancy - piano or guitar and vocal is fine. The quality of the song is more important than the perfection of the recording.

- You can receive your royalties (at the industry standard rate) or donate them.  If you donate them, Hope Sings will match them.

- Money will go to the Red Cross, which Charity Navigator rates among the highest of the charities helping Sandy victims.

On your marks, get set - start your (writing) engines!